Tuesday, May 29, 2007

BLACKOUT, by David S. Dennis

I knew that Blackout (Directed by Jerry LaMothe) was going to be amazing and let me tell you… it was. Upon arriving to the theater late, I was welcomed into the seats in front, the ones that make you feel like you’re under the screen. With that seat, things were off to a bad start but once the movie started, it was so enthralling that I did not mind, in fact I did not realize I was so close to the screen. Jerry LaMothe does a phenomenal job directing an ensemble cast one of whom is the granddaddy of the Blaxsploitation era… Melvin Van Peebles. The story is very simple but profound. It is one of the hottest days in the summer and all of a sudden there is a blackout. Terror, death, and displeasure fill the air on the lightless night. The next morning, the community still hot and bothered is at the brim of knocking each other apart. I will leave it there. I would compare it to Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing because it has that same interracial community on a hot day dealing with a problem vibe.

It is a great movie and a nice topic for community leaders to discuss.

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